What a beautiful combination of your words and art, Lisa! I especially appreciated everything you had to say about rain, and how welcome it is these days.
Thank you so much, Diana! I'm experimenting a bit, so I especially appreciate your kind words. Are you having a drought (or what seems to be heading toward one) in your area, too?
Yes, we've been in a drought in Massachusetts for awhile now. Yesterday I did a double take at a river that's usually pretty high this time of year, and now seems nearly dried! They say we got less than an inch of rain in October. Much of the state is considered to be in moderate to severe drought, and there are even some wildfires!
Oh, wow. I'm sorry to hear that. Apparently Philadelphia (our nearest big city) went all of October without any measurable rain, and broke a 150-year-old record for dry days. Unsettling times, for sure.
What a beautiful combination of your words and art, Lisa! I especially appreciated everything you had to say about rain, and how welcome it is these days.
Thank you so much, Diana! I'm experimenting a bit, so I especially appreciate your kind words. Are you having a drought (or what seems to be heading toward one) in your area, too?
Yes, we've been in a drought in Massachusetts for awhile now. Yesterday I did a double take at a river that's usually pretty high this time of year, and now seems nearly dried! They say we got less than an inch of rain in October. Much of the state is considered to be in moderate to severe drought, and there are even some wildfires!
Oh, wow. I'm sorry to hear that. Apparently Philadelphia (our nearest big city) went all of October without any measurable rain, and broke a 150-year-old record for dry days. Unsettling times, for sure.
What a beautiful work of art 💕
Thank you so much, Bryn!
Beautiful thoughts all in one essay. So visual I felt like I was there. Thank you.
Thank you! That's wonderful to hear. And you're welcome!
My husband is a scientist who works with wood emphasizing its natural beauty and form. He would be interested in speaking with you.
Thank you so much, Anna! That would be great. You (and/or he) can contact me at lisakschnell@gmail.com I look forward to hearing more about his work!